John Otto shares some of the secrets of Amish furniture craftsmanship, and explains what makes it so special.
It can be a real struggle to find things that are well made anymore. I know you’ve seen it too. The market today is full of corner-cutting, cheap substitutes, and products that were designed to be thrown out and replaced.
That’s why it’s so refreshing to work with folks who do things differently. For the Amish community, furniture-making isn’t just a job. It’s a way of life. When I think of Amish craftsmanship, I’m reminded of the old proverb…
“Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.”
That philosophy gives heart and soul to each piece of furniture that they build – a real beauty & integrity that’s so unique these days, and so valuable.
As a longtime veteran of the furniture industry, I highly recommend Amish furniture for your home. I’ll tell you why…

Amish Furniture is Made in the USA
All of the Amish furniture that we carry in our store is 100% US-made. Yutzy & Mavin are built in the rolling farmland of Ohio’s Amish country, and Simply Amish is built right here in our home state, in Southern Illinois. These are truly some of the best furniture craftsmen in the entire world.
The story of each piece of Amish furniture starts with the seedling. The community raises its own trees locally and cuts its own lumber. Amish furniture is custom built to order instead of mass produced, so the wood is hand-selected for each specific piece of furniture.

It’s Crafted with Care
In Amish villages, furniture-making is a family matter. Parents pass their carpentry skills to their children.
Instead of using cheap shortcuts, Amish craftsmen follow the same traditional techniques that have lasted for hundreds of years. They plane and carve the wood by hand, create curves and arches in the wood with steam bending, and use strong joinery like dovetail and mortise and tenon joints.
It takes extra time, talent, and care, but it’s how they make sure that your furniture will last in your family for generations.

Amish Furniture comes in Popular Styles
Once in a while, customers are concerned that Amish furniture is going to look too “old fashioned” for their home. But don’t you worry! These days, it comes in a great variety of styles. We’ve got a wide range on display here in our showroom, and our talented furniture designers can help you customize a set to fit your home and your taste.

Heart & Soul
Of course, the most unique quality of Amish furniture-making is the deep spiritual connection that these artisans have with their craft. The Amish community believes in simplicity, humility, and good-old-fashioned hard work. They view their carpentry as a way to honor God and serve their community. And what a difference that makes in the quality and value of their furniture!
Working with the Amish has been a humbling and inspiring experience for me. It’s a privilege to sell the goods of such skilled craftsmen and to share furniture that’s not only reliable, but also a real work of art for your home.
I invite you to come up to the 3rd floor, and enjoy some beautiful, handcrafted furniture that you can really feel good about.
Thanks for reading,
John Otto
Manager/Buyer – Furniture Division
Benson Stone Co.